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Rock Revival & Miss Me Jeans in Australia

Rock Revival & Miss Me Jeans in Australia

The Softest Designer Denim!

As the rain hits and the temperature drops, its time to keep warm, and a new denim is sure to keep you warm and looking good this winter. Miss Me and Rock Revival both hail from the same cuture denim operator in LA , and their attention to detail when it comes to fit and fabic and pricepoint is first class. Their soft cottons are renowned for keeping you warm and looking sharp. They also help lift and curve the bottom and anyone who wears them can testify to how soft and warm they are to wear.

 We have just confirmed some stunning new styles from Miss Me Jeans which we hope to have dropping instudio in the next few weeks. Theres two denim a straight leg (pirctired above) and a white skinny both coming soon, plus a shacket denim jacket  new trend with looser shirt jackets) and a stunning transseasonal top. a Rock revival bbotelg was sent overnight and shouldn't be far off. We have also managed to cap the frieght costs to keep it super competitive with the US market (quite a bit cheaper if you factor in freight). 

We hope you are all staying warm as autumn cools and the winter rains start to arrive.From what we are told we are the only rock revival operator in Australia and one of only two Miss Me stores in asutralia, so keep supporting us and we will keep bringing it in!

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